Aunyauna - Tarot Reading and Vedic Astrology in Hungary
Chat with Aunyauna - Tarot Reading and Vedic Astrology in Hungary instantly. 25-30 years of experience in Vedic Astrology. I come from a long line of natural born Psychics and Mediums. My Mother is a internationally known Psychic Medium and I have inherited her gifts. One of my specialties is to see and communicate with Spirits; I am able to help you, if you feel that there is any dark energy around you, by removing the entities. My abilities let me: see, feel, hear, and sense. I am able to communicate and channel different Ascended Masters. Committed to honest and accurate work for the highest good of my customers; I will tell you the way I see it in my visions for you. Spirit Source allows me to see beyond the Veil and I am grateful and honored to be the channel fro the Universe. Back to serving you one client at a time , hope to see you in my room soon. High Accuracy, no Sugar Coating. I treat you with respect and will help you prepare . I have your answer........and time frames .......! I love Aunyauna! She is so steady and positive. Always come back to her because she remembers me even over time. She is wonderful! araketanara nz | 2013-02-16 06:55:58 araketanara Very calm and carring woman. Love her. araketanara nz | 2013-02-13 14:46:30 araketanara Very quick, clear and accurate. Wow! shiftsgirl WI | 2013-02-12 05:23:14 shiftsgirl She was so accurate we sold out hoise 2 days later As always...a wonderfully clear reading...thank you so so much clarity. Kamiw03 Columbus oh | 2013-01-26 06:57:21 Kamiw03 Aunyauna is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! lol! She gives so much in a short amount of time! She is extraordinary in her visions! But she helps me, she helps my heart and my soul deal with the day-to-day things in life. She is there when I need her the most! I would like to start off by introducing myself ......Greetings my name is Aunyauna ....given to me by spirit. I can not tell you just how anxious I am to help you with all your problems , questions and situations! I know exactly just how trying it can be when you get to a certain point in life and feel like you are up against a wall , I will help you make a decision, answer all your questions and lead you in the right direction. I come from a family of psychics and empaths and my beloved mother "Cirrias " is in fact a advisor for this very company oranum! * I am known to all my friends as a spiritual and fine tuned advisor . *You will come to know me as a very genuine person when it comes to answering all your questions and concerns. *It would be in your best intrest before a reading to meditate , take some deep breaths and open your mind, make yourself a cup of herbal tea. *I am a strong minded taurus and it works perfect for me in readings! *I am very connected to the animal world and can help you and your pet! * With all this said I hope you will let me help you and build a strong relationship with me. * When you find yourself at cross roads I can be there to help you choose which route to take.I come from a very strong long line of psychics and empath's I have compassion and understanding. * At many occassion I have predicted Situations and Solutions for many and would love to help you and guide you as well. * Spirit has entrusted me with these gifts to help you in all areas of your life and love and the many Situations you may experience. * If I can not help you with other Services I can direct you to my beloved and Well Known and Respected Mother Cirrias . * I could keep telling you all the things I can do and all the areas I have and can cover for you but then Id rather show you and let you be the judge of my knowledge . * Share your deepest fears and learn how to let them go, clear yourself of the uncertainties and raw emotions that hold you back. * I am a star child and was sent here with the a purpose and I feel my purpose is to help you gain insight , put you at ease , and make sure you wont lose track . * I aim to be your best friend no less , someone you can fall back on can trust and open up me . * I dont take my work as a psychic ,spiritual coach lightly and hope to gain your full trust and attention. * I am a soul coach * I wont ever judge you and you will always have my respect . *I can help guide you to Financial Freedom , a happy Love Life , a Better place of Employment and most of all your own personal Happiness and Peace of Mind . Always remember you have the choice of Free Will as well as people around you do *I can contact your Sprit Guides . *I can find your Animal Totem *I want to take you on a Shamanic Journey to the Upper ,Lower and Middle World. *I want to connect you to your spirit guides. * I want to provide you you personal and private consutation and give you my full attention! Here on oranum I am happy to perform a reading for you and answer all the questions you have. I dont need to use any tools at all but I do love reading angel cards for insight to love and relationship,. I would never rely on tools ! . My readings are based mostly and primarely on my intuition, perception and most of all my skills. I find myself drawn to people that need help with Grief , Loss and Depression , and while I am NOT a doctor I am a Human Being and know exactly what it feels like and how to get over it and move on. So with all this being said I dont want to take up all your time reading my Bio.... come see me let me help you! I will give you nothing less than my spiritual enlightenment and guidance, experience and solutions to your every day life problems and deeper subjects . Have you ever felt like you couldnt take anymore heartache and pain, being from a diagnoses or the treatment that followed??? From a spiritual and emotional aspect . I been there and I know exactly how you feel and what can be done to help you feel better! . Life took me on a roller coaster ride and I came out on top thanks to my mother Cirrias . I will pass all this on to you . She is not a doctor and I still had ALL the treatments that were requested by doctors..... but without my Mother I would have not been able to continue ,not emotionally, I feel like I was lost and came back so much stronger. While I am not a Reiki Master, She IS and will help you with that . I even have a son that has the gift , CrimsonDreams! He will also be able to help you on oranum so there will always be a solution for you ..from one of us , whichever best suits your needs! .Never give up never give in and remember if someone tells you theres a very slim chance you will overcome an obstacle may it be health , love or financial dont let go ..hold on tight and suceed . Everything is possible... .I am living proof of that! I can provide you with a custom meditation , if Interested in a meditation select the astrology reading and specify. Respectfully, Aunyauna Love and Light Shamanic Jouneying Totem Animal I will be available in "Free Chat" , which is not a FREE READING , to get a reading you must take me to "Private". Please do not come in and ask me Questions in Free chat, the only time I will answer questions outside of a Private Reading would be in a "Demo" Reading. I am here to provide you with a honest Reading and hope to see you in my" Free Chat" soon, so you can get to know me better.Pendulum questions are Yes or No answers ....ONLY!. I also give readings without tools ,and crystal ball readings. I will not answer health questions , or questions about the day you will pass over.I do not answer pregnancy related questions .I will not discuss politics or religion, I want to help you with romance , love , relationship , among other question . Again please be aware that pendulum questions are ONLY Yes or No answers.
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